Since teeth are anchored firmly in the jaw, movement can take a long time. The self-regeneration of the human body, particularly the bones, is what makes movement possible in the first place.
Invisalign® clear aligners use the body’s natural ability to heal to gently nudge teeth into alignment. Over months and years of treatments, the mouth can be reshaped naturally through constant gentle pressure. But here at Smiles Family Dental, we have a way to speed up that natural teeth straightening process even more with accelerated orthodontics in Arlington, Texas, from our experienced dentists, Dr. Angelie Zamora and Dr. Britany Jenkins. Call 817-277-1971 today for a free consultation!
Methods of Orthodontic Acceleration
Straightening teeth is a natural process. Methods have been developed to accelerate the natural healing process the mouth undergoes when being treated with traditional or Invisalign braces.
The average patient may take anywhere from six to eighteen months to finish a realignment treatment. Our dentists can accelerate the natural processes of straightening your teeth. Some treatments may shave weeks or months off of your overall treatment.
Accelerated orthodontics is the process of accelerating tooth movement through natural methods. Dentists who use accelerated orthodontics will use small amounts of stimulation to spur the naturally occurring healing processes that already work to shape your mouth. Treatments are typically noninvasive or minimally invasive and will cause relatively little discomfort.
High-Frequency Vibration
Naturally stimulating teeth during treatment can be noninvasive and essentially painless. High-frequency vibration (HFV), one of these tools, accelerates tooth movement by merely vibrating your teeth. This gentle vibration can give teeth the necessary amount of trauma needed to stimulation tooth movement.
HFV is used as an additional treatment, meant to work with your existing braces or Invisalign clear aligners. HFV treatments are required daily but take relatively little time, just a few minutes more than brushing your teeth, to be effective. The resulting micro-trauma, injuries so small they are practically insignificant, allows the teeth to temporarily move more freely while the body adjusts and heals.
In terms of convenience and discomfort, this treatment would rank high for anyone desiring to shorten the overall length of treatment with the least amount of pain possible.
Propel Acceleration
The teeth and jaw do not require excessive amounts of trauma to stimulate and accelerate the natural process of healing. In fact, the amount of trauma needed to accelerate growth heals quickly and is barely a minor inconvenience.
The most common minimally invasive method uses a small tool to gently puncture the gums and outer layer of the jaw bone. A few punctures along gumline are enough to stimulate the general region of teeth, causing the body to repair and reform the teeth surrounding the puncture sites resulting in faster tooth repositioning.
This method is minimally invasive, meaning some amount of injury will be required. The type of injury is not too different from other slightly invasive treatments for wire and bracket braces, such as installing dental screws or similar implants. The treatment involves making punctures so small that serious numbing agents are not required.
Alveoloplasty Treatments
There are additional treatments dentists can perform in order to help adjust teeth and help you feel more comfortable with your smile. One such method is through smoothing down the rough corners in your jaw.
Some problems in the mouth involve extracting and replacing teeth. If done improperly, an extracted tooth can leave jagged edges in your jaw that may cause pain and discomfort or make it difficult to wear or install implants and dentures. Alveoloplasty treatments resolve this by correcting the malformed portions of the jaw.
Our dentists will gently reshape the bone so that the jagged edges no longer cause problems for comfort or implants. Not only are there long-term benefits for prospective implants or denture replacements but alveoloplasty treatments may also accelerate healing after tooth removal.
How Can You Benefit From Orthodontic Acceleration?
Treatments such as these do not typically require an oral surgeon and complete sedation. These treatments may result in some pain or discomfort, but the nature of the procedures are such that injuries will be hardly noticeable and should heal completely in a few days.
As each mouth is different, the amount of time it may save a patient will be relative. Regardless, these treatments can be a great option for individuals looking to cut down the time it takes to completely realign teeth.
Get Your Dream Smile Faster Than Ever With Accelerated Orthodontics
Why wait for a better smile? With accelerated orthodontics, you can get a beautiful smile faster than ever without sacrificing quality. Contact us today to schedule your appointment or learn more about how accelerated orthodontics work!